

Learn how education advocates can effectively push for quality education in countries facing conflict, political instability or restricted civic space.

Read how GPE Education Out Loud's support to Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC) helped leverage the political will and set the tone for key educational priorities that needed to be addressed by the government, and what civil society organizations in other countries can learn from it.

The Samoa Education Network (SEN) is championing the inclusion of marginalized groups in educational policy and planning processes to address long-standing challenges in the education sector, from declining literacy and numeracy skills, and high dropout rates, to a teacher shortage.

From basic mobile applications to sophisticated data analytics platforms, online crowdsourcing, georeferencing and chatbots, organizations supported by GPE Education Out Loud are using technologies to bridge the gap between governments and civil society, creating new channels for interaction and oversight.

In the youthful nation of Somalia, three-quarters of the population is under 30 years old. “Most of them do not have their right to education, employment, or development fulfilled,” says Adam Mohamed, coordinator of the civil society organization Education For All Somalia. To help meet the educational needs in his country, he recently completed an IIEP-UNESCO online course on the basics of educational planning.

Evelyn Wadzanayi Chitiga from the Education Coalition of Zimbabwe is a firm believer in the importance of civil society’s involvement in educational planning and management. This inclusion ensures transparency, ownership, sustainability, and accountability. Having recently completed the IIEP online course on the Basics of Educational Planning as a grantee of Education Out Loud (EOL), she shares her insight on why civil society participation is crucial for the future of Zimbabwe’s education system.

The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX), a joint endeavor with Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC), is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity. This call is seeking proposals from individual organizations, or consortia of multiple organizations, to become implementing partners in the new GPE KIX Regional Observatories on Education System Resilience initiative.

As part of the KIX initiative, the KIX Africa 21 hub led by AUF, CONFEMEN and IFEF-OIF, and the KIX Africa 19 hub led by the Commission of the African Union, UNESCO and UNICEF ESARO, co-organize the 3rd edition of the GPEKIX Continental Symposium on Education Research in Africa.

Read how improvements are being made in the lives of displaced children at Kouim Kouli B primary school in Burkina Faso, thanks to support from GPE’s Education Out Loud, and the commitment of local government and development partners.

The KIX EMAP Hub, in partnership with the University of Dhaka, Institute of Education and Research, will host the KIX Bangladesh National Uptake Forum in-person on 10 and 11 June.